1992 batch Alumni visited their Almamater, A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College on 03 Feb 24
1992 batch Alumni visited their Almamater, A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College on 03 Feb 24
1992 batch Alumni visited their Almamater, A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College on 03 Feb 24
Visit Swami Vivekananda Memorial Ashram on the occasion of “Youth day” celebration.
All Smiles. AMSC Faculty
Dr. Julia Raju awarded Gold Medal at 24th Annual Convocation of RGUHS
Chief Guest Dr. Subarna Roy, Director Scientist ICMR addressing the gathering
Inauguration of Student Recreation Cell
Dr. Smita B 3rd rank. Department of Medicine
Dr. Mona Talat. 8th Rank Department of Repertory
Dr. Sruthi Gopan 6th Rank Department of Organon
Dr Maanasa, Organon part II PG, received consolation prize in essay competition organized by Karnataka Qualified Homoeopathic Doctors Association bangalore on occasion of Hahnemann Day on 30th April 2023
Dr. Muhilan Semparuthi, PG-Scholar Dept of Practice of Medicine had presented his case in the Forum on the 19th of February,2023. h annual Case Presentation contest, was organised by the BEACON FOUNDATION in the SNDT Auditorium, Santa Cruz, WEST MUMBAI